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Badger Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society
Badger Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society

Information for Registering Your Badger Face Lambs

Registration Details and points of the breed are also printed annually in the Flock Book

Sheep (which must be from a registered Badger Face ram and ewe) can be registered as soon as you decide they are suitable, and before 30 November on the year of birth. Registrations after 30 November incur an extra fee. Ewe lamb registration is £3 until end of November and £6 after that date. Ram lamb registration is £20. Send registration forms to the Registration Secretary.

The decision to register is made by the breeder but if help is required (e.g by new keepers) they should contact the Membership Secretary who will put them in touch with a more experienced member for help. Breeders must be paid up members of the Society to register sheep, and registration forms with the necessary information are sent to members every year.

If a breed tag is lost, contact the Membership Secretary who will issue a substitute tag.

The Flock Book has a list of current members. It also contains a list of all sheep registered since the last Flock Book in number order with the breeder’s details.

If all else fails, please read your Flock Book, or contact the Membership Secretary if still unclear.

2021 ear tags

Please send your lamb registration forms & payments to the society registration secretary

To buy the female portion of your ear tags tel: 0800 838 882 or email