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Badger Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society
Badger Face Welsh Mountain Sheep Society

Points of the Breed (revised 2020)


Head: The colour can be off-white through to tan coloured. Individual preferences will not affect registration. The black stripes will be at least ¾ inch wide.


Ears: Should be small and dark inside. Large broad ears are not desirable and not true to type.


Chest: The most recognisable characteristics of a Torddu is the black continuous stripe that runs from the underside of the jaw to join the black belly and must continue to the end of the tail. A minimum width is not stated, however a definitive edge is preferred.


Underside: The black belly wool is essential and should continue well up under the tail. The area either side of the tail (trousers/britches) should be black with no visible white or grey.


Tail: The tail should be full length. Obvious signs that the tail has been shortened is not acceptable. The underside of the tail must be black to the tip and there should be no black wool visible on the outside.


Legs: Should be predominantly black with a prominent light tan stripe on both front and back legs. (this can be off whit through to tan coloured – usually the sae colours as the face). Broken or thin stripes are not acceptable.


Fleece: This can be pure or white with some kemp. Visible black or dark grey wool in white areas is not acceptable. Many prefer to see some kemp, especially as it is a sign of hardiness. The fleece should be soft, firm and close as for Welsh Mountain sheep.


Horns: (Rams). If present should be dark coloured, spiral and moderate in size. Horns are preferred but not essential.

(Females). It is only considered a fault when the horn has broken through the skin.


Conformation should be as for Welsh Mountain Sheep.

Points of the breed - Torddu


Head: Should be black or dark brown with distinct white facial markings. There should be no white hair on top of the nose. White outline on the top of the lip is acceptable, but no white between the upper lip and nostrils. The lower jaw must be white and this can run down the chest. There should be a minimum of a bib.


Ears: Small. The outside of the ear should be the same dark colour as the head. Inside the ear should be a white colour as the white area under the jaw. There should be no lighter colour on the outside of the ear.


Fleece: Main colour to be black or dark brown, preference should be given to darker colours. There should be no grey in the fleece. Visible white or grey patches in the wool are not acceptable. The belly wool must be white and this colour should show distinctly around the tail. Wool should be soft, firm and close as for Welsh Mountain sheep.


Tail: Outside the tail should be as dark as possible. The underside must be white to the tip. Obvious signs that the tail has been shortened is not acceptable.


Legs: Predominantly tan with a continuous black stripe. The stripe should be full length. Broken stripes are not acceptable.


Horns: (Rams). If present should be dark coloured, spiral and moderate in size. Horns are preferred but not essential.

(Females). It is only considered a fault when the horn has broken through the skin.


Conformation should be as for Welsh Mountain Sheep.

Points of the breed - Torwen